Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Today has been fab.

After brekkie with HB, I did some domestics, like shortening new trews, then I went for a long run in rain and gale. It was great! I love running here in the countryside, past donkeys, horses, cows... not so keen on the huge dirty snuffling pigs though - they make me wary ;)

When I got home, I had probably the longest bath ever, over an hour!

A bit later, I went searching for something in my 'keep special stuff' boxes, but I got distracted by old photos, letters, notes and the like. This pic is me when I was in my mid 20s. Ahem. Just yesterday! Isn't it funny looking back? You realise that some of your worries weren't really worries at all.. and that things you think you've just realised, you already knew years before.


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