
Part of tonight's risotto which although I say it myself was pretty dam tasty.

Today I had a massive blonde moment as I thought I was having Virgin installed so I was up bright and early and I waited and I waited and waited ........ until about 6 o'clock when I decided there must be a problem and that I needed to check my emails. Oops guess what I received an email 2 weeks ago (which I missed due to intermittent internet) saying that they needed to get my landlord's permission to instal cables (and that my address was a flat!!) - I'm like erm I live in a house owned by me (well I guess while I have a mortgage its not mine 100%) so I dunno what has happened plus I used to have Cable several years ago so there is already cables installed. I guess I'll just have to wait until 10 in the morning to find out - I can only imagine their records still show me living in the flat I had before here but that was yonks ago. But what a wasted day although I did do a massive amount of ironing while waiting - grrrr..

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