I feel infinite.

By racheelz

My New Baby

A little narrative for today:

I woke up early for solo and ensemble but wanted to stay in bed so badly. Unfortunately, I didn't have that leisure because accompanying was my first event, and I couldn't be late for it. Dragged myself out of bed to take a shower and get ready. As I was getting changed, my parents kept yelling at me to come downstairs and eat breakfast. I thought, "What's the rush? I'm so tired...!" They kept yelling, so I rushed downstairs. My mom was like "Rachel, I look really pretty today, take a picture of me!" It was a weird comment, but I agreed and went to go get the D60 that I left on the tripod from yesterday's shoot.

As I approached the tripod, I immediately saw something different. The D60 was gone, replaced with A NEW NIKON D7000 that I've been wanting for a long time. My parents surprised me with it!! Ahhhh! It's a combined Christmas, birthday, and going-to-college present. I was so happy. The instant I took some test shots, I could see the dramatic difference in image quality. I can't wait to get some portraits, shoot HD VIDEO (AHH!), and get used to the camera.

While I waited at solo and ensemble, I read the manual haha. I have a long way to go to figure out this camera, but I'm excited! Now I'm off to my school orchestra's annual gala concert. We're world premiering a jazz piece tonight!

Maybe this new camera will motivate me to get a better photo editing program. I'm reluctant to download one because I know I'm too impatient to learn all the functions.

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