fudrick - obscure camera

By fudrick

Time and tide

The boat left on time packed out with overtired partygoers. Had a really good time but was a bit shocked at some of the attitudes of some of the incommers to the island.

Never met so many English ex-pats people who have a real fear and dislike of ethnic minorities. Not something I've ever noticed from people when I'm in England. Kind of got the feeling that many of them have moved to the western Isles becasue of their fears rather than just their love of the place.

Hoped that I'm wrong or its just somthing to do with them being mainly older people who would have been brough up with a different view of things and also the "everythings going to hell" attitude that seems to creep up on you as you get older. Still I suppose that it is quiet ironic that they are view by the locals a somthing of an ethnic minority

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