Just Simply Loving!

By nursingchronicl

Being ten more than one hundred ninety!

I made it to 200! Being ten more than one hundred ninety, it's an awesome feeling! Woohoo!

It's been a long journey for me. All of you have been so wonderful!

I have met so many wonderful people here. Thank you for the inspiration and support.

Special thanks to Megatonlove for introducing me to Blipfoto. Life has never been the same again.

Thank you, too, to everyone here for sharing your life through fantastic photos and all the words of encouragement. They have been much appreciated.


Salut to Blip Central for creating an amazing website.

Here's to you, loved ones, friends, and fellow blippers for making my everyday all so worthwhile.


*Breathtaking sunset panorama at Ellenbrook, Western Australia.

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