Mandy's Snaps

By mandyarmstrong

Savoy cabbage

We're all sitting down to a roast dinner today, which actually doesn't happen that often. Usually, the kids end up eating before us, and as creatures of habit, Darren and I don't eat until much later. But, we've managed to organise ourselves more than usual, and this afternoon is Sunday Roast time.

Rummaging through the fridge for vegetables, I came across the remnants of a savoy cabbage, which actually isn't fresh enough for us to eat (and there wasn't that much left); but I liked the texture of the leaves (even if they were a bit limp around the edges). So before it was relegated to the bag with all of the other vegetable scraps, it became today's blip.

Hope you've all had a good weekend; I can't believe it is nearly over and Monday is almost upon us once again!

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