
By lifeandstuff

Life and stuff sleeps with the fishes....

A man walks down the street,
He says, Why am I soft in the middle now?
Why am I soft in the middle?
The rest of my life is so hard!
I need a photo-opportunity,
I want a shot at redemption!
Don't want to end up a cartoon,
In a cartoon graveyard .....

Bonedigger, Bonedigger,
Dogs in the moonlight.
Far away, my well-lit door.
Mr. Beerbelly, Beerbelly,
Get these mutts away from me!
You know, I don't find this stuff amusing anymore ....

If you'll be my bodyguard,
I can be your long lost pal!
I can call you Betty,
And Betty, when you call me,
You can call me Al!

A man walks down the street,
He says, Why am I short of attention?
Got a short little span of attention,
And whoa, my nights are so long!
Where's my wife and family?
What if I die here?
Who'll be my role-model?
Now that my role-model is ....
Gone ...... gone,
He ducked back down the alley,
With some roly-poly, little bat-faced girl.
All along .... along ....
There were incidents and accidents,
There were hints and allegations .....

If you'll be my bodyguard,
I can be your long lost pal!
I can call you Betty,
And Betty, when you call me,
You can call me Al!
Call me Al ......

A man walks down the street,
It's a street in a strange world.
Maybe it's the Third World.
Maybe it's his first time around.
He doesn't speak the language,
He holds no currency.
He is a foreign man,
He is surrounded by the sound, sound ....
Cattle in the marketplace.
Scatterlings and orphanages.
He looks around, around .....
He sees angels in the architecture,
Spinning in infinity,
He says, Amen! and Hallelujah!

If you'll be my bodyguard,
I can be your long lost pal!
I can call you Betty,
And Betty, when you call me,
You can call me Al!
You can call me Al ......

no reason for that, other than the fact I was listening and singing along earlier whilst cleaning the house. "You can call meeeeeee Al..." not that my name is Al... and I dont know anyone called Betty.

The wee one and I have had a lovely day together, except for the wee bit in the middle where she went MENTAL because I moved her teddies. They were in a row, and were all doctors, apparently. Called Huey, louey, chewy, and newey... or something. Then she went a bit off her head and screamed for half an hour or so. Shouting "I caaaaaan't stop cryyyying!" But, on the promise that I would buy her spongebob squarepants on DVD, managed to.

So, we went to a big shopping centre, and passed a stall with these little guys. we decided to have a go. They eat all the dead skin from your feet. Something which I am sure if I thought about it more is pretty manky, but it was a fun wee thing to do together. It felt strange. But in a nice kinda way...

other than this, I bought spongebob squarepants, and some DVDs for me too.
Catfish, the lovely bones, the boy in the striped pyjamas, and the aptly named "fishtank." :-) So, tonights plans, Prosecco, (of course, it is Sunday, after all) catfish and hubby. yaay!

Hope everyone has had a lovely Sunday. :)

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