The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Running around on the Heath

Steve and I went to the flask in highgate for Sunday lunch and the chance to catch up with some good friends. Cara and Gary brought Crosby, their 10 month old beagle with them so we all went to Hampsted Heath for a walk. Crosby seemed very happy running with other dogs and here he is in the middle chasing a whippet on the one side and another dog in the other.

It was really good fun despite the winds and it reminded me how great it is to have a dog. Sadly our friends are possibly moving back to Scotland soon and although we don't see them as often as we would like I will be sad to see them go!

Rest of Sunday is pretty chillaxing as I recapture my TV youth starting from season 1 of buffy! Yay :). Tomorrow is the start of the end - the last year I can say I am in my "early" 30s.

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