Right Here Right Now

By katesphotos


J was been a bit poorly, came back from a couple of nights with granny and grandad and hasn't been feeling too good.

She doesn't really 'do' ill - she hardly ever feels sick and when she does, she just keeps to herself and sleeps - she doesn't like any fuss or attempts to mollycoddle her.

Her one consession was wanting to curl up in my bed this afternoon.

She's had some toast and cereal tonight- so hope she's on the mend. It usually goes as quickly as it comes upon her.

Went to check on her and she was fast asleep. The way she'd laid her glasses down so carefully brought a little lump to my throat...it's strange when the smallest things seem so large and poignant.

"..the smallest gentle gesture, keeps the enemy at bay"
Gene ~ Where are they now?

Peace and good health x

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