
By gilliebg


A very difficult shot in dismal conditions; this is a silhouette of the photographer trying to take a picture of the Florida manatee that was chewing the anchor rope. It looks huge in the picture but was a baby one; I tried to get a shot of Nia leaning out of the boat and stroking it, to no avail. Two of our family donned wet suits and swam around with them; they are gentle and friendly; one rolled over underwater to have it's tum tickled. Next time Tom will come too and Nia and Granny will go in too. On a warmer day. A relation of the West Indian manatee, these gentle creatures spend the winter in Florida's warm springs, or around the power stations, The last two winters have been hard on them; at least 300 more than usual have died this winter from the cold. In days gone by, sailors thought they were mermaids; when you have been at sea for three years, anything looks good, I guess.

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