jeni and the beans

By themessymama


SOOOooo healthy.

I let Ben go downstairs without me this morning.

"Ben pizza!!" comes the delighted squeal from the front room. Oops. Not going to win any parenting prizes this week. Left the takeaway pizza in the front room (the box was closed at least) overnight. Somebody munched through a whole slice for breakfast and started coming upstairs with a second slice to offer to me. Special Doggy got to have leftover garlic bread, lucky smelly thing.

Could've been worse, as my brother pointed out...

Anyway I wasn't feeling the pizza love this morning though so I had cereal. And Ben did as well. With yoghurt. Then, "mummy share? mummy share?" As in, mummy I want some of your breakfast as well, now that I've finished a slice of pizza and my own cereal. So he had some of my cereal as well. Lunch: 2 chocolate chip brioche, cheese, corned beef, an apple. Snack: another apple, some more cheese. Dinner: lots of roast potatoes, lots of chicken, green beans, gravy.

Obviously got his appetite back after a weekend of pretty much fresh air.

Just a bit excited this evening - thrilled to bits to find I've inspired someone!!

Church this morning, I think I need more than a few minutes sit-down to process some of the stuff that happened this morning. It was all good though.

One thing I do need to do is get purpledancer sorted out. I set this up years ago in the hope I'd sell one of my paintings but nothing much came of it, and I've not had the time or energy to sort it out for a while.

I've got the opportunity coming up to do some photoshoots and I'm frankly terrified - I need to get some practice in, pronto. I need to get my head around the fact that a pro photographer can charge the earth. (I will officially be "press" or (!) which again frightens the pants off me) I don't think I will be charging the earth for photographs but I need to get a realistic pricelist sorted out... and I need to remember not to undersell myself. I also need to pluck up the courage to up my hourly rate for the design work I do. I can't afford to continue to charge the peanuts I charge at the moment. Which I suppose is a fair enough reason to up the rates....

I have always found it hard to put a price on my time and skills. I consistently undersell myself. I don't know why I value myself so little, surely it's not a healthy attitude. If I could afford it I'd give my time and skills away for free; I know I do a lot anyway. But I need to recognise that in an earthly sense I am actually worth more than I get paid at the moment. And I need to do something about it.

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