Keeping to my promise

When I had ten days ago that my cholesterol level had gone back up, I decided to not just to rely on the Crestor which ym new doc has added to my list of tablets, but to help things along by being much more serious about my diet. The best way to do this was to get back to the three square meals a day which was the routine while I was convalescing in Carl's place when I left hospital. My old fridge would be jealous of how well-stocked its replacement has been all week, and anyone who happened to drop in would have thought a totallky different person was living here now.

I seem to be sending a disproportionate amount of each day in the kitchen, preparing food, cooking, washing up, taking things out of drawers and cupbards, putting things back into drawers and cupboards. But already it seems to be working, since I'm beginning to suffer from hunger pangs if I go past time for my next meal. I got a good night's sleep thanks to the sleeping tablet I had to resort to, so breakfast was a bit later than usual. Afterwards, I headed out for a bit of window shopping, looking for a new microwave. I killed my existing machine on Thursday and am badly stuck without one. I went to three different places but still came back home empty-handed, intending maybe to check some more places in town tomorrow.

I was starving when I got home, so rustled up a bit of lunch. I tried some of yesterday's hme-made soup last night and it was quite nice. There's enough still there for a few days more, so I had some more with lunch. Before that there was some melon balls with ham on the side and to follow the soup I plated up a couple of grilled rashers (spiced up with a sprinkling of cayenne pepper and cinnamon), served with mushroom, tomato and plums. Yummy. Empty plate afterwards.

Today's evening meal was rather scrmptious too, but didn't have the camera pointed at it. I'm busily planning tomorrow's menus as I write. Must try to add a bit of variety (at least I have some fish in the fridge this week).

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