
By FauxPunk


And gutted. It's empty, as well as being battered. That's not why I'm gutted though - I'm used to that. I'm gutted because I took a better pic, but I didn't realise it had gone midnight - so this is the best of the pre-midnight ones. Grrrr.

A good day today. We went to Brecon - looks like a nice enough town, but it was pretty much shut. Had a nice lunch though. A REALLY nice lunch - pumpkin, chickpea and apricot tagine :-D

Came home, then went to the cinema - The King's Speech. I think it's good - it lives up to the hype - but (don't shoot me) I think Timothy Spall as Churchill was unforgivably hammy. There, I said it.

Home for a roast chicken dinner... :-D

Ready to face the week ahead now!

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