Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

"Will you take nothing.....

.... from Sleepy Hollow that was worth the coming here?"

Ok, this needs some explaining, before you all think I've truly, finally lost what few remaining marbles I have.

Two weeks ago, I mentioned a challenge that I'd been set, which was - after watching a specific film at the weekend, to blip something related to that film. First week it was Aliens, then we missed a week and this weekend it was Sleepy Hollow, so the blip had to be "Gothic" in style. Fair enough, but I was slightly concerned as one of the key aspects of any good Gothic film is 'heaving bosoms.'

Now, I looked up Hammer Horror's definition of "heaving bosoms" and found that their guidelines clearly state that in order to qualify for the term "heaving" the bosom in question must be a minimum of a D-cup. Even with a fair wind and a good bra, I fall short of this, so they're more "slightly out of breath" than "heaving"

I'd originally planned to take this photo in the garden, against a background of ooky spooky trees, but it was far too windy to do that, so it's the spare bedroom again (which was the same background as Saturday's bizarre blip.)

It's not just how I wanted it, but given that it was taken at 6:15am and I was doing this in the dark, whilst trying not to set fire to my 'cloak' and without my glasses on, I'm quite pleased with it.

However, if you want to see how a Sleepy Hollow blip should be done, have a look at wintersixfour's blip from yesterday.

Back to grim tomorrow...

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