
By pennipics


This isn't just an emergency Blip its more of a Panic one; question how on earth do I get the micro-oven out of the box?

Having been delivered by Mr Tesco (of course not himself silly) at 11.30 having been given a window of wait for it...7am-7pm I thought 11.30am wasn't bad!
Now the nice delivery man asked 'where do you want it..on the floor'
This is were madness crept in..'no on the work top' say I, now I'm not so sure about that idea.
My thoughts are now to slit the sides and slide it out, my original idea was to with help of a friend turn it over; open the bottom the turn it back hand lift the box off...simple..I doubt it in fact plain stupid, might have worked if it was on the floor..but then it would have to be lifted onto the work-top.

So instead I thought I'll use it for a panic/emergency Blip its a howling gale outside the doors are rattling, so much so I've stuck a piece of paper in my front one before I go totally mad.
Ah well back to the problem of the BOX why do I make life so complicated????

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