No time to waste?

By jt


Another day of rubbish weather - floods in the supermarket car park. Having taken some mediocre macros of the carnations/roses in the living room, I discovered the weekly challenge forum, thanks to a very kind comment from So - body parts?

Now, I'm neither the most imaginative or artistic person in the bliposphere (now, there's a good word, though I'm sure it's been used before!) so simply used yesterday's blip for inspiration. The left hand of jt is hardly a pretty thing - skinny, though not so much as it sed to be, so my wedding ring is there for good (and good it is too), and boy those fingers hurt today (especially straightened - the sacrifices made for art :-P ). I simultaneously love and hate my hands. They can get pretty sore, but I shouldn't really complain. In fact, even today I thank God for them, because they enable me to kayak, and write, and play guitar, and look after my wonderful wife, and cuddle her, and the rabbit. And take photos for you all too!

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