The Chaos Bros

By vik


A whole year on Blipfoto.
Who would have thought I would manage 365 consecutive Blips?
Not me if I'm being really honest.

Having The Chaos Bros to look after doesn't leave a whole lot of 'me time' but I always seem to find 10 minutes or so each day to spend on Blipfoto. The boys are now referred to as The Chaos Bros by pretty much all our family and friends and this journal has become a fantastic way of keeping all our far flung relatives up to date with their news.
I absolutely love it here and it gave me the push to splash some cash on a much longed for DSLR last April and since then I will admit to becoming slightly obsessed. No shame in that I'm sure you will agree?

The Bros & I are going on our very first Blipmeet next week, exciting stuff!

Thanks to everyone on here and those at Blipcentral. x

The image isn't anywhere near what I had planned for today. This morning's torrential rain followed by blizzard conditions dashed those plans early in the day so you get The Bros feeding the ducks at Birnie Loch wearing their Blip t-shirts!

Go large!

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