
The new kiln has arrived!!!

And what a thing of beauty it is indeed! And what a hellova time it was getting it here! The poor guy driving this huge, and i mean huge monster transport truck, called with some concerns about the steepness of the hill and somewhat icy conditions! He was stuck! So we enlisted the aid of some guys close by with a backhoe....that didn't work, he slid all over the place. Many phone calls later, it was decided that the kiln should be taken back to Sydney (an hour away) and they'd have to consider plan B!!!! I was concerned for this poor chap driving the big truck, cos he was well and truly stuck!!! Anyway, a couple of hours later, after lunch, Terry and I decided to head into town and on the way, just check and make sure this guy wasn't still sitting down there!!! when low and behold this huge truck appeared at the top of our somewhat steep driveway! The backhoe guys had attached chains to the backwheels of the transport truck and they managed to get it up the hill! We were all so excited! i've posted a couple of shots of it being delivered over on the flickr place! was pretty amazing!

Terry and I have just finished unpacking, lifting and putting it into place, it weighs about 400 lbs!!

I love this shot, look how pretty and shiny it is....and oh look, there's me - and some pots !

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