Window we are not going to buy (probably)
We were supposed to be going to see a house today, then heading home to Ceret, leaving our friends to enjoy their weekend - but after much arm-twisting they persuaded us to stay an extra night. Well, ok, they suggested it and we leapt at the chance. Much chilling in the morning, with the man of the house trying to get my external hard drive to bits to see if it was salvageable (why are they so hard to take apart?) Result: probably not. Turns out that sudden interactions with tiled floors are not quite the thing for hard drives.
We headed off to see our house, leaving the kids to play with their friends and the dogs (not sure they even noticed we'd gone, to be honest). They adore the dogs (and the friends) but I'm not sure the dogs are so keen on all the attention really!
The house we saw was right in the centre of a village, opposite the church and Mairie. Lovely big house, with huge outbuildings - it had been a wine negotiants' house so still had wine storage vats in the garage. The garden isn't as big as we would want, but has a beautiful wysteria-clad pergola which would be perfect for long lazy sunny lunches...
Back rather too late to bring the promised beers for the Ireland/Italy match, but in time for France/Scotland. Another long delicious dinner - with 'discussions' running late into the night on libel law and who'd be first against the wall if we ran the world.
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