Baby-Led Day

15months 18 days

We got up at a fair time today, 6.15 isnt too bad in our household. We headed to tea and toast, Katie enjoyed song time and pinched Emmas toast but wouldnt eat hers! We only stayed til about 11 before she went to her pushchair and made her wish to leave pretty clear. To give her her dues, she then went to sleep so obviously knew she'd had enough.

After her sleep we were having a play at home, but she went for her coat and headed to the door, now wanting to go out. So out we went. We went to the park, stopping to call for Emma and Julie. The girls had a bit of a play in Emma's bedroom before we went to the park. We'd been there maybe half an hour before Katie wanted to go home again. And again, at home she curled up and went to sleep.

She's not really been interested in food today, she's wanted milk, which she doesnt normally do in the day anymore, and snuggles - she's a cuddly baby anyway, but even more cuddly today. This evening her right cheek is really rosy so I'm wondering if the teeth are finally going to cut through that have been blistered for 2 weeks.

I loved this pic, although its not as good as i'd like. I have decided I really want a 50mm lens. This one was almost the blip

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