Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

Harbour of Lillo

Today was an absolute stunning springlike day. Gorgeous blue sky, sun and hardly any wind. I was supposed to do preparation work for my lesson on Thursday, but treated myself to an afternoon in Lillo. Lillo is a tiny little village and it was a military stronghold or fort that guarded the entrance to Antwerp harbour. Nowadays Lillo is completely surrounded by the modern day harbour.

I spent some time shooting pictures and I set a while on the dyke watching the ships going in and out of the harbour. There were birds singing behind me and from the other side the deep hum of heavy machinery and diesel motors came to me. Very other worldly to have those two sounds combined.

Had a hard time chosing what photo to blip, so you can find the rest of the photos on Flickr.

PS I used a polarisation filter today, so the colour blue is even more intense...

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