
By Nigel


View from the Skybar lounge balcony in the Mint City Hotel Leeds where we stayed for my Birthday. Had to shoot through a pane of glass as I didn't take my tripod which is why there are strange lights in the sky.

Spent a very pleasant evening in Sheffield (after Jen had a bit of a bad turn on the train and we thought the whole thing was going to have to be called off) with Alistair and Sam, met Sam's partner and daughter, drank copious amounts of real ale and laughed quite outrageously at times...

The journey down tok ages despite careful preparation, mainly as Jen did not prepar the car at all and we had to stop to refill the screen wash and stop at a garage that didn't take cards and was taking ages to get people through.

After we got started though I used my phone's Satnav for the first time which was quite good fun as it told me how fast Jen was driving her new car in its first motorway outing, I was very surprised at 94mph as there was absolutely no evidence of it struggling in the slightest, just a light contented purr...

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