True Colours

By HunterGatherer

Sun it Rises

This photo excited me for several reasons.

First, it was taken at around 8am this morning. That I was awake and functioning enough to take a photograph at this time on a "school day" was something in itself.

Second, it is lovely to think that from now until goodness knows when, late on in 2011, the mornings are going to be light. To wake up and see the fine threads of sunlight probing through the gaps of my curtains into my bedroom, eradicating the heaviness of night, and the sleep and the dreams that go with it is such a pleasing way to start the morning.

Third, the colour of the sky and the temperature outside soon after this was taken were enough to make me think of the season that is about to start. My father always says that there is a weekend in February where there is a tangible feeling that the thin cold fingers of winter are relinquishing their grip of us, allowing the warm embrace of spring to take over and guide us through the next few months. Maybe it will be this weekend?

And fourth, I just thought it was kinda pretty.

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