
By D77


Still following the news in Egypt with interest, as it affects not only if I go back on Monday, but also how the next six months will pan out for Larissa and me. It seems the instigator of the Facebook page that sparked the massive turnout a fortnight ago has become somewhat of an icon for the protesters, of which there were a record number out in force today, all patiently queuing for their part in Egypt's revolution.

Before I left, Mr President informed Mr Boss that it was back to work as normal as of Sunday just gone. However, it turns out I correctly predicted that nobody knows what they're doing and that the university administration (including Mr President) have been told by Mr Chairman not to return to work until next Sunday.


Today was packed, but very enjoyable. Ross came round in the morning to watch Tron (the original version, which I thought was near impossible to get hold of on DVD, but which Ross had a special edition version of no less). After a coffee and farewell at Black Medicine with Ross, I sauntered off to meet Catherine for lunch before popping over the bridge for an evening of pool with Neil.

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