
By CleanSteve

Feeding time, in miniature

What a difference a day makes, especially when the sun was no longer shining bright as I arose this morning. I peered out of my office window as per usual, and today I saw a Buzzard outlined against the grey clouds, slowly circulating on the light wind, only just above the sycamore and ash trees at the bottom of the garden.

I haven't seen a Buzzard this close, or so low in the air, for a couple of months. As it circled, I could see its head turning to look down at the ground and sideways at the treetops, obviously looking for easy morsels. A crow took off from one of the branches of the sycamore and flapped its wings valiantly to gain height, apparently aiming to see off the buzzard. It couldn't keep flying fast enough along the line of the trees, or climb up at the same time in order to catch the buzzard, which soon wandered out of my sight. I expect it won't be long before we hear the characteristic meewing call of the buzzard and its young. That is when the fun starts, as the smaller birds get very paranoid about the presence of all these birds of prey.

When I came home from a client session, Helena offered me some lunch, which was so delicious. I had noticed yesterday that the Amaryllis flowers were beginning to unfurl, and by today were even nearer to blooming. This front flowerhead yesterday was the same size as this rear one is now. A day's difference. One of the Ladybirds I have noticed around the house, and blipped recently (here), had taken refuge between the new shooting leaves at the base of the Amaryllis. It stayed there all-day yesterday, but today was going walkabout. I am pleased as I have noticed that a few greenfly have already appeared and I'm hoping the Ladybird will be hungry enough to devour them all.

As soon as I saw it here on the still curled-up leaves, I knew this would be the Blip today, if I could only manage to get close enough with my 50mm lens. Earlier this morning, I nearly decided to buy a new 55-200mm lens, but am hesitating. I have very little money so it will be a cheap lens, but it is well reviewed. Perhaps this flurry of work means I will take the plunge. Then maybe I could show you these little creatures in more detail.

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