Craft & Life

By Aluap


Todays image is one of a Dialysis machine which takes on the role of our kidneys should ours fail. The reason i chose this for todays missymoo challenge of body parts, is that i used to have to use one of these life saving machines.

Visited hospital for a check up today and was allowed to photograph this old model which is now used for demonstrating purposes... The kidney part is sat on top of the machine and looks like a tube which has blue coloured ends. This is the part which filters your blood from all the harmful elements in your diet and allows you to feel slightly more normal. In the UK treatment happens three times a week and lasts for four hours at a time.

March 10th 2011 is World Kidney Day. Please help where you can...

I hope i have not offended anyone by Bliping this image or talking about kidney disease, that is not my intention. I apologise if this is the case.

Thank you for reading this post and thanks for dropping by:-)

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