
By cracker


Home from night shift this morning and I am having one of those tired and lazy days!! My eyes feel like they want to fall out of my head but I am trying to soldier on and get a few things done!!

We went next door and visited Joe and Bev this morning. I haven't seen them in over a week! Spence and I played around a bit at home and then tidied a bit of the bark and sticks on the lawn in preparation for mowing it! Spence is in bed now, meant to be sleeping but is singing and mucking about still! Kaz has left me the job of putting tan bark on the section of garden she prepared last night! If I get that done and then have enough time I might mow the lawn as well! We will see!

Tomorrow we are going to look at houses once I get home from night shift and then Cheryl is coming over so Kaz and I can go away for the weekend!! We are heading down to Geelong to stay with my friend, Steph! It should be great!! Three nights without Spence and hopefully some sleep ins!!

I took this at lunch time when Spence and I were sitting at the table eating our zucchini slice. Thought it was time for a close up of Spence - complete with Vegemite around his mouth!!

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