
By tookie

Given the Boot!

I was a bit jubilant to put it mildly when the district announced a "reorganization" today of managememt support services---which basically meant they canned the person heading it up and put them on a "special" project unto the end of the school year. This top "boss" has been a major major thorn in my side to say the least. I've been an active shop steward and union member for almost 35 years now and this person has had the worst management and people skills of any I've had dealings with. He's tried his best to make my life and many many others miserable and I've long wondered why they kept him in his post....something really big must have caused them to finally come to their senses! As the saying goes...."What goes around comes around" and his finally landed where it should have LONG ago... There were many smiling faces at work today:)

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