My world through my lens

By CatherinePound

The sea

We made it safe and sound to Durbs! We stopped off on the way to see some family who we'll be visiting again later in the week, but eventually made it to the apartment we were staying at on the beach front in Umlhanga! :)

This is our view! It was taken late... later than I had planned, but it was a busy day. Their are a steady line of ships coming into and out of Durban harbour and apparently the QE2 docked for a couple hours today. We missed it of course as we were still travelling.

Off to the beach in the morning to see what little Lottie makes of it all!

Catherine xx

PS.. more pics... Here ---> and yes... I'm linking to the same lot... just don't know if any of these back blips will be viewed :D x

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