True Colours

By HunterGatherer

You Can't Deny You're Looking for the Sunset

Today was rather self-indulgent

I don't take lie ins normally, but for me, getting out of bed after eight o'clock, like I did this morning, is a rarity in itself. Padding around the flat for almost two hours, slowly eating breakfast and enjoying the sun streaming in through the high, rectangular single pane windows is also something that I rarely get to do. The rest of the day was spent being equally self-centred. Brunch at Black Medicine was followed by lunch at Redbox. The last three hours of daylight saw me and my best friend, my trusty Canon, take a leisurely walk around Edinburgh, which is one of my utmost favourite things to do when I find myself with free time on my hands. We ended up on Arthur's Seat to watch the sun go down over the city at the end of a beautiful day.

Despite brief encounters with my father, sister and close friend, and several phone calls to other friends, I was alone for a large portion of the day. The gay couple in Black Medicine, the boyfriends and girlfriends in Redbox, the couple who ran past me on the meadows, the handful of hand-holding pairs at the top of the old volcano. They were all slightly painful reminders of the fact that, whilst I was enjoying my day, there was something missing.

During the summer, I read David Nichol's book, One Day. This couple at the top of Arthur's Seat reminded me of the two central characters in the novel. They meet at university, and their lives intertwine for the next twenty years, sometimes tightly bound together, sometimes only joined by the finest threads, but always cemented by love.

It would be quite nice if my story, my version of Dex and Em, were to start soon.

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