Emma Kathryn Luther

By luther

Seeing the light(s)

I guess if you change little by little each day you don't really notice any differences at first.

It's not until you're really far away from that starting point you suddenly realise just how far you've come and how different you are now compared with who you were.

Today I had one of those moments where it slowly started to dawn on me.

I realised I'd been seeing myself through the eyes of how I used to be and not who I actually am today.

Maybe that sounds confusing. It's not.

It was just that nice realisation that you're stronger than you thought you were, more capable and have achieved more than you thought.

And it's when you look in the mirror and for the first time start to feel just a little bit proud of having navigated choppy waters, survived challenging times and still have a smile on your face and plenty of zest for life.

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