Club 107

By club107

Everything is relative, believe me

Maybe it is because our lives are filled with so much made up fluff, fabricated nonsense, printed tittle tattle about celebrities' 'lives', maybe our concerns and fears in the grand scheme of things are kind of worthless, meaningless, I am unsure but today was a bad day, a very bad day. In fact if I am honest, this year has not been very good so far. Work has been hectic, it is manageable as is life in its hecticbutgettingusedtoit normality. But things have been particularly tough for people in our entourage.

Today we went to the funeral of a friend, who passed away a few days ago after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Cruelly taken from her family, leaving two young children and a husband who I used to work with, it is something which happens, unfortunately quite often, such is life. Everything is brought sharply into perspective.

One draws one's own conclusions, one lives with them, deals with them, acts on them. Everyone has there own set of values, mine thrives on the joys of normality, the small things that are so often taken for granted, the depths of despair come when required, thankfully few and far between.

Yes today was a bad day, but Jesus, I only had to watch two children leaving their mother's funeral in tears.

Everything is relative, believe me

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