Alan Taylor

By alantaylor

Out: Panasonic GF1; In: Panasonic G2

Just over a year ago I sold my DSLR and bought the Panasonic GF1 which is a fantastic little camera but has a fatal flaw: no built in viewfinder. I have managed the past year without a viewfinder but the screen is almost impossible to see when it's very bright outside, so I decided it was time to do something about it.

I had 3 options available:
1. Buy the add on electronic viewfinder; cost: £149
2. Buy a Hoodman Hoodloupe to use as a viewfinder for the LCD; cost: £60
3. Buy a different camera; cost: varies.

I haven't seen the add-on EVF but by all accounts it is rather poor and somewhat overpriced, so I had pretty much ruled it out. The Hoodloupe looks intriguing but rather bulky so kind of detracts from one of the main advantages of the Micro Four Thirds cameras. In the end, the GF1 is a great looking camera, but simply isn't as versatile as the Gx or GHx series cameras, and I got hold of a used G2 for not much more than the price of the add-on EVF.

I've only had it a few hours but I think we're going to get on quite well - the built in EVF seems very good and the flip out swivel LCD will be useful. The touch screen features are also pretty good, particularly being able to quickly set the focus point.

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