A MIMent In Time

By justmim

And don't you know, it's a beautiful new day

"Hey there Mr. Blue
We're so pleased to be with you
Look around see what you do
Everybody smiles at you
- Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky

After all the grey & grim it was lovely to see a blue sky covering Edinburgh yesterday :] Yesterday's lecture was only an hour, instead of the anticipated 4, which was great because I managed to get all my bits & pieces finished off before heading away. Which was also where Wednesday's productivity paid off as I was able to switch off all the things I needed to do for 24hrs!

Then it was off to Fundee (fun, for one night only at least!) for dinner with a post-placement Alison and Feeeeeeeederrr with Nathan.

Dinner was lovely! V. yummy & I hadn't realised how lovely it was down by the Quay in Dundee.

As for the gig....WOW!! So much fun &, as expected, Feeder played amazingly. It was a really good mix of old & new stuff, including a new song from the album which is currently in the works.

Shattering day, but a lot of fun :]

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