Near miss

Got up at 7 .
Breakfast and registration at 8.
Brilliant speaker named Francoise Mathieu,
Spoke on stress in the workplace , depression , compassion fatigue , post traumatic symdrome etc.
Next door conference was Molson Coors . They served beer at the break !!
Wonder what they talked about.
Had a long wait for my flight ,
Sat and watched planes land at the hotel.
That's how big they were.
Left for the airport and vegged in the Maple Leaf lounge .
All the free booze and soup , veggies , cookies and chips .
I only had one drink cause I was so tired and my ear hurt.
The sore throat then developed .
I'm still glad I went cause I learned tons of things and had a 10 minute meditation session which was brilliant .
Waiting to come back home .

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