Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

I'm oh so tired ...

Ssshh sssshhh

Had a terrible night sleep last night, i'm one of those people that doesn't sleep well when I've something on my mind, and boy do I have things on my mind! Then at 3am little miss F decided it was time for Peppa Pig yawn

Had to be in work early this morning, my poor boss Mrs Fay worked till 12 last night dining all the Gamlingayan lovers for Valentines & she'll be doing it all again tonight ... plenty of caffeine for us both!! Didn't get chance to do my usual cupcake blip today so had to find something of interest on the way home ...

Well Mr A & I were planing on an early valentines meal as we've no football in the morning yippee & this is the only night we haven't got other things planned, oh it sounds like I have a life, well I can assure you my life is running round making sure the kids have their social life! I quite believe we'll end up falling asleep on the sofa, that's if we make it that far!!!

Hope y'all having a good weekend filled with love!

Well it's goodnight from me & goodnight from him (yes I know it's only 3.24pm ... but i'm ready for my bed!)

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