No time to waste?

By jt

No telephoto

I love my telephoto lens, aka my 'big' lens. It's nothing special - a pretty basic 70-300mm tele-macro - but without it, I'd never have got that Fulmar onThursday.

So, today - picked Jem up from work in the gathering mist, then spent the morning being very quiet in the house. By the time I was ready to go to the gym after lunch, it was glorious sunshine, stunningly beautiful day. Our gym looks out over the river - can see most of this view from it - so once I was finished, with my shorts still on (might be beautiful but pretty nippy!) I grabbed my camera from the back of the car and headed round the back of the gym to get some shots.

I picked this one because of the black speck down the bottom. Looked at the Tayport lighthouse cathching the sun and wished I'd brought my big lens. Snapped off a few shots of it, then suddenly noticed this bird.... It was a Great Crested Grebe, pretty close to the shore, and only about a quarter mile away from our industrial port. I've seen them on the coast in winter before, but was astounded to see one here. And gutted not to have my big lens :-( Rattled off about 40 shots of it, none of them worth posting here, one or two are okay. Why did I not just put that lens on the car?!

PS - just sharpened up the image, so it had to disappear for a minute!

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