
I was napping, when I woke up and felt very hot. I realised my ceiling fan was not working. Then I turned on my phone and it buzzed with message from a few hours back. I realised it was just before twelve, and I hadn't blipped. I got up, and had to find a candle etc to locate my BlackBerry (which I use for pics only).

Just managed to catch this shot in time, then when I uploaded it, it said a minute past twelve. My BB has gained a minute on my other phone. My Samsung said 00.00 when I took it. Hmm. Which phone is right? I hope it is the Samsung. I think so.

ANYway, it seems it wasn't just me who had no current (as is the Sri Lankan term), but the whole neighbourhood. A few minutes later, I heard the whir of the fans start up, and was cool again.

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