
By whizzkid


Wilf has been poorly all week. It started last weekend when he was very 'ill' all over the carpet at inskip capers.(Sorry guys!) As the week went on he became very lethargic and didnt even get up to greet me when I came in much less show any enthusiasm for a walk. A trip to the vet yesterday, I tranquilizer, I muzzle and three people to hold him down, he came home with a bucket of pills and potions!
Happy Bunny and Zorro kindly agreed to come over today while we were at work to administer the medicine and some TLC. By the time I got home from work he was back to his normal self and I was so delighted to see him charging round with this big bone in his mouth I didnt even object when he brought it inside!

Not to be outdone and fearing she might not be the center of attention for a few days Miage decided to have a bout of conjunctivitis. So she also got taken to the vet but happily doesnt have the same fierce loathing of the vet that Wilf has. However she is not keen on the eye drops and the England rugby squad would have been proud of me today trying to administer them!

Lets hope they both make a full recovery soon.

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