It's the law!

Sorry to blip another squirrel so soon, but this little fellow was so cute, stuffing his mouth full of peanut chips, that I couldn't resist sharing his picture with you.

Thank you so much for the many comments on yesterday's squirrel. In answer to those who asked about the rules for feeding animals in our park...Yes, we could get into trouble with the rangers for feeding the animals. There are signs posted reminding us NOT to feed them. Today I was told by another regular walker that he was issued a warning because he had put out corn for the deer. He admitted that he was putting out entire ears of dried corn, not just the kernels. He was told by the ranger that people are not supposed to feed the deer or the birds...and, I assume, not the squirrels either. It's the law! They can fine people who break it.

I have seen people put out some strange things, i.e. miniature marshmallows, left-over Halloween pumpkins, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and even leftover bagels. Could be they think the deer will get rid of all their excess garbage for them. However, all I scatter for the birds and occasionally the deer and squirrels are the peanut and sunflower chips. The animals love them and leave nothing behind that could be considered "litter." I really don't feel any guilt over this, but I am irritated by those people who leave their garbage in the park.

Guess what is in our back yard as I am writing this, enjoying an evening meal at the bird feeders: Six large deer. If I don't feed them in the park, they will come to my back yard to eat. What does that tell you?

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