The Memory Keepers Sister

By nadblips

HMV at home

This is most of my DVD collection sitting on a shelf above my wardrobe. I still have another shelf with my favourites on as this is quite a hassle to reach when you are not gifted with height. I think my sister and a couple of friends still have some of my DVDs although I've only remembered this as they have reminded me recently. DVD-buying is a habit that has become so bad that I have around 300 and can't remember which ones I've already got. Sean and I went to HMV a couple of weeks ago to buy Donnie Darko as I really fancied watching it. It was sold out apart from on Blu Ray. I don't normally buy Blu-Rays as I'm a skint student but we bought it anyway to play on the PS3. Got home only to discover that Donnie Darko was already sitting on my shelf, collecting dust. Whoops. I recently got Love Film which allows me to watch films without buying them, and so far it has been great, i think it will save me money in the long run.

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