Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

The Language of Love

I know I'm sort of cheating because I already used a rule this week but in light of tomorrow being Valentines day, I thought this was appropriate.

Its from a book called The Rules of Love which A brought with him when he moved in. It's full of little snippet peices of advice about how to treat your partner (or not - the other potential blip was the rule that says 'don't nag'.

Neither A nor myself are massive on the whole over the top romance thing. Well I hope he's not....I've never been over the top romantic with him! We went to Tantallon Castle for our romantic Valenties day last year and spent the afternoon with some chickens. No such luch this year as we're both working but we had a nice relaxed day today nonetheless.

Hope you all get zillions of cards tomorrow from loads of admirers. ;)

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