Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

"Dynamic Growth"

Created by the sculptor Børge Jørgensen
Given to Tuborgs brewery on their 100 years day 13th May 1973
From the employees union and union of formen

I could have stuck the camera out of our living room window to get a shot of this but I decided that I could just about make it to the end of the road by foot (and get a better shot). This angle is from directly underneath looking up, this is straight from a RAW file with no playing around (it's not B&W is what I'm saying).

For Gazza (and anyone else who knows as little as I did when I started Blipping). RAW files can only be browsed as thumbs in a program that recognises them - ordinary windows programs don't "see" them". I use CS4 Bridge (it's what it was built for...mostly) but your cameras software should have included something that can do the job. If you use Photoshop when you open a RAW file you are presented with the kind of options your camera has been deciding for you without you knowing (clarity, balcks, contrast ... etc). From no tweeking to outrageous tweeking it seems to come out better in this way.

For the record - the only heart I've seen today was in the window of a brothel next to a hash shop pretending to be a gallery/art shop. Sounds way better than it looked in my photo of it.

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