Metal heart
Mad crazy weather - thunderous hail followed by bright sunshine and snow on the mountains. And another odd phenomenon - frogs spawn on the road!!! Big dollops all over the place, what's going on here??
I've cheated and bought a ready meal, admittedly form a very posh deli - tomato and basil lasagne, with spinach and lentil salad, followed by panecotta and fresh pineapple, there might even be a glass of something sparkly :)
Happy Valentine's day - hope it's all full of lurve :)
Oh, and my Christmas present from son number 1 has just arrived - A History of the World in 100 Objects. Reasons for delay included 'it looked good, I'm reading it myself'; and 'I'm too busy climbing to go to the Post Office!' It looks great, thanks Will :) and it's nice to have Christmas presents spread out.
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