Col B 34

By colb34


I was very happy with my lunchtime blip of some opening crocuses.....then went back to work and broke a thermometer.
(What happened next is against health and safety guidelines.)
I spent the next 20 mins trying to take great shots of this liquid metal much to the annoyance of the nurse who was trying to clean up the room. It was surprisingly hard.
It truly is a remarkable element - so here are some *facts*
*Mercury is also called quicksilver or hydrargryum (from the Greek - water-silver).
* Chemical symbol Hg, atomic mass 80.
*Found mostly as a sulphide, cinnabar, which is the source of the pigment vermilion.
*It has been found in ancient Egyptian tombs and was known to the Chinese and Tibetans as a cure for just about everything.
*It is very toxic (as the ancient Chinese finally found out)
*It is by far the coolest thing on earth if you accidentally spill it.

Plans for the big exciting trip are being postponed..........annoying.

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