just allan

By allan

Opening Close

Anchor Close and the St Giles High Kirk, Royal Mile, Edinburgh. I was on an early train this morning so I had time to take a bit of a scenic route to work on the "station bike". Up Market Street and the top of the Mound to the Royal Mile and down again, where I stopped to take some pictures. It was pouring today and I've still not put mudguards on the bike so I got wet. Very wet. Through to my underwear wet! Luckily I had my work trousers in my bag and a spare stash of boxer shorts and socks in the changing room at work. Too much information...

Most of the day was spent in a technical workshop which was interesting and pleasant, in the very historic Committee Room of bank head office on St Andrews Square. Being a technical type, I thought the booking for the "comm room" meant we'd be sitting amongst cables and servers, but in fact it was ancient paintings, lots of wood and leather-topped furniture. Rojo blipped the chandelier.

We ate lots of cakes which we bought over the road in the park cafe. By that time the sun was shining. The cakes nearly made the blip today, but Anchor Close edged them out.

Home again in wet shoes and dinner for the children. They're on school holidays and I'm working, but I'm off on Thursday so we can all go to the pictures. Hopefully it won't pour then.

A couple more from today on Flickr.

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