meet Socrates...

(or how to procrastinate in an unpredictable fashion)

"All the things you would do gladly, oh without enthusiasm, but gladly, all the things there seems no reason for your not doing, and that you do not do! Can it be we are not free? It might be worth looking into."
Samuel Beckett

"To-morrow, when I wake, or think I do, what shall I say of to-day?"
Samuel Beckett,

(what's that cat doing here? know I don't do cats!!!... you wanted to be unpredictable and it's socrates est NOT un chat)

"Tous les chats sont mortels. Socrate est mortel. Donc Socrate est un chat."
Eugene Ionesco

(and what's ionesco doing here?...i said beckett until...OK i get it...)

dedicated to the queen of balconies & procrastination @chaiselongue and the king of canals and...cats!! @lozarithm...

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