What's up today?

By sabby

And I am helpless..

Totally a lousy day. Ummi can't babysit Sara so dear looked after her. Poor him coz he came back only at 4am.

Work was crappy. Alot came to appeal and complain coz they have not gotten into any courses. If only they could accept the fact that..... My job will be superb, but too bad. I'm guessing they are in denial.

Dear brought us out for dinner. It was nice. Dear looked horrible due to the lack of sleep but at least he still wanna spend time with us.

Sara was so noisy!! Cute, loud and noisy!!!! Everyone in the restaurant noticed her assistance. She growing up fast. I need to catch up!

Dear suppose to nap for a while before going to work but he is still sleeping. I've tried to wake him but got scolded instead. I hope he won't scold me for not waking him up tomorrow,.

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