The Lizard Meanders

By lizardmeanders

Red and Red and Green

Tending youngest daughter, kept home from school. We made an emergency run to the pedia clinic late in the afternoon yesterday, because she was wheezing and had short, pained breaths-- has had a cough all weekend, but as it turns out that triggered an asthmatic response. Got nebulized for the first time, and put on albuterol. She's on the mend, thank goodness.


Hubby brought me these tulips eve of Valentine's.

Up-ended tulip skirts, vivid red poking up through brilliant green.

I need this sense of forceful color. Can't wait for spring!


I went to Walgreens drugstore last night to pick up G's medications, and while waiting (long lines!) I saw in the toy aisle these jam jars rigged out to look like they had butterflies in them-- except the butterflies were made of cut-out tin, hinged and wrapped around thin wire... They had a price tag of around $12 each. Nature commodified and supplanted once again by some kind of mechanical stand-in (in the same way theme parks work).


Here is "Landscape, with Fake Butterflies and Sick Child", my poem response today, now up on Via Negativa.

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