Clark Tales

By cclark

Cola Floats

A brilliant night with Ma Familia!

It was my brothers birthday on Sunday but according to my mum he was too "ill" aka hungover for dinner, we of course couldn't go out last night, so tonight it was. When they came by and asked for our drinks order we noticed they had cola floats, nostalgia hit me and the bro and so we both ordered one, the minute we both got them, we did slightly regret them! But we did both drink them lol

Papa Joes called = brilliant. When I lived in Dundee it was one of my fave eateries. Im super glad they've opened their third branch in my town! Brilliant menu and kids eat free 7days a week if an adult has a main meal! Not that there were any there tonight, however Heather and I were supposed to go out to lunch on Friday whilst Olivia was at Nursery, but turns out its in service, so that will come in extra handy as we have to take another tiny person with us to lunch!

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